Farewell to Phillip

Farewell to Phillip
Type of post: Chorus news item
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Brian Milbank
Status: Current
Date Posted: Tue, 15 Oct 2024
Long-serving chorus member Phillip, announced that he was leaving the chorus. His last performance with us will be at the concert in Aldworth on Saturday 19th October. After 33 years, he and his wife will be moving to the South Coast to start a new life down there.
Phillp, singing with Stuart, Ed and Ian, performing "Who'll Take my Place"
During his time with the chorus, Phillip has had many roles. He has sung in quartets, directed the chorus on numerous occasions,  and organised mini concerts in retirement homes and other day-time venues. He was chairman of the club for several years, organised convention hotel bookings and has been enthusiastic in everything he has turned his hand to. He took on the role of pitchpiper for many years, and Rhainnon always called him "the best pitchpiper in BABS".

At his final rehearsal today, Phillip chose to sing "Who'll Take me Place" and we're not sure if anyone can. Phillip (Twolls) will leave a big hole on the risers on a Tuesday night.

The photo shows current chairman Peter Leverett, thanking Phillip for al the hard work he has done for the chorus and wishing him good luck for the future.